

"Nontrivial topological phases in superconducting nanostructures"

/ 2Dtronics Symposium (A. Mickiewicz University, Poznan), 31 I 2024 /

"Josephson junctions: a platform for exotic superconducting phases"

/ Symposium on Spintronics and Quantum Information (Bedlewo), 12 I 2024 /


,,Superconductivity in nanoscopic systems"

/ Zjazd Fizykow Polskich (Gdansk), 7 IX 2023 /

,,Dynamical effects of correlated superconducting nanostructures"

/ Euroconference "Physics of Magnetism" (Poznan), 30 VI 2023 /

,,Planar Josephson junctions: platform for topological superconductivity"

/ ACMiN AGH Krakow, 24 V 2023 /

,,Dynamical quantum phase transition of superconducting nanostructures"

/ Politechnika Warszawska, 28 III 2023 /

,,Interplay of magnetism and superconductivity in Josephson junctions"

/ Warsaw (Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences), 7 III 2023 /

,,Topological superconductivity and boundary modes of magnetic nanostructures"

/ Warsaw (MagTop - "Interfacing Magnetism and Superconductivity with Topological Matter"), 18 I 2023 /


,,Dynamical effects of correlated superconducting nanostructures"

/ Warsaw (Joint European Magnetic Symposia), 29 VII 2022 /

,,Synergy of semiconductor physics and electron pairing: route towards novel topological materials"

/ Kazimierz Dolny, 27 VI 2022 /

,,Quantum transition in time-domain of Anderson impurity coupled to superconductor"

/ Krakow (Jagiellonian University), 28 III 2022 /

,,Dynamical phase transitions in superconducting nanostructures"

/ Warsaw (Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences), 2 III 2022 /


,,Time-resolved Andreev states in superconducting hybrid structures"

/ Poznan (Polish Academy of Sciences), 5 XI 2021 /

,,Interplay of superconductivity and magnetism in nanostructures"

/ Poznan (A. Mickiewicz University), 21 X 2021 /

,,Phase transitions in time-domain: application to superconducting systems"

/ Warsaw University, 15 X 2021 /

,,Conventional and topological realizations of nanoscopic superconductivity"

/ Zjazd Fizykow Polskich (Bydgoszcz), 20 IX 2021 /

,,Unconventional transition to topological superconductivity in magnetic ladder"

/ Euroconference 'Physics of Magnetism' (Poznan), 30 VI 2021 /

,,Synergy of magnetism and superconductivity"

/ Institute of Physics PAS (Warsaw), 28 IV 2021 /

,,Dynamical phase transitions in superconducting nanostructures"

/ Wroclaw (Politechnika Wroclawska), 13 I 2021 /


,,Time-dependent phenomena in nanoscopic superconductors"

/ Lublin (UMCS), 20 X 2020 /

,,Shiba states and their Majorana mutations"

/ Warsaw (Politechnika Warszawska), 4 III 2020 /

,,Topological states of matter in superconducting heterostructures"

/ Wroclaw (Polish Academy of Sciences), 15 I 2020 /


,,Constructive feedback of superconductivity on Kondo effect in nanoscopic heterostructures"

/ Bad Honnef (Germany), 16 X 2019 /

,,Bound states in conventional and topological superconductors"

/ Bronislawow (KKN-19), 10 X 2019 /

,,From Bogolubov to Majorana quasiparticles in topological superconductors"

/ Lwow (Politechnika Lwowska), 3 VII 2019 /

,,Role of Andreev scattering in bulk superconductors and nanostructures"

/ Krakow (Polish Academy of Sciences), 28 V 2019 /

,,Delocalization of Majorana modes in low-dimensional hybrids"

/ Oxford (England) 31 III - 5 IV 2019 (New3SC) /

,,Majorana quasiparticles in nanoscopic hybrid structures"

/ Warsaw (MAGTOP - Majorana modes and beyond), 26 II 2019 /


,,Nadprzewodnictwo w materialach konwencjonalnych i topologicznych" part 1, part 2

/ Lubelskie Towarzystwo Naukowe, 29 XI 2018 /

,,Bound states in conventional and topological superconductors"

/ Warsaw (Polish Academy of Sciences), 27 XI 2018 /

,,Bound states of quantum impurities in superconductors"

/ Zakopane (Fundamental aspects of superconductivity), 18 IX 2018 /

,,Interplay between pairing and correlations in spin-polarized bound states"

/ Ustron (Coherence & Correlations at Different Scales), 10 IX 2018 /

,,Majorana quasiparticles and their interplay with Kondo effect"

/ Wroclaw (Dual Nature of f-Electrons), 12 VII 2018 /

,,Nadprzewodnictwo na krawedzi: realizacja kwaziczastek Majorany"

/ Lublin (wyklad dla uczniow szkol srednich), 10 III 2018 /

,,Majorana quasiparticles: concepts & challenges"

/ Warsaw (Polish Academy of Sciences), 5 I 2018 /


,,Topological superconductivity in systems of reduced dimensionality"

/ Krynica Morska (XVIII KKN), 12 X 2017 /

,,Spin-resolved Andreev spectroscopy for probing the Majorana quasiparticles"

/ Poznan (Euroconference Physics of Magnetism), 28 VI 2017 /

,,Majoranyzacja elektronow w nadprzewodnikach topologicznych"

/ Krakow (Uniwersytet Jagiellonski), 23 III 2017 /

,,Majorana quasiparticles in nanoscopic superconductors"

/ Poznan (Uniwersytet A. Mickiewicza), 13 I 2017 /


,,Realizacja fermionow Majorany w heterostrukturach nadprzewodnikowych"

/ Warszawa (NCBJ), 23 XI 2016 /

,,Realizacja kwaziczastek Majorany w lancuchach Rashby"

/ Lublin, 18 X 2016 /

,,From superconductivity to electron correlations"

/ Zakopane, 29 IX 2016 /

,,Enhancement of the Kondo effect caused by electron pairing in nanostructures"

/ Ustron (CCDS-40), 5 IX 2016 /

,,Residual Meissner effect above Tc in high temperature superconductors"

/ Wroclaw (INTiBS PAN), 18 V 2016 /

,,Realizacja kwaziczastek Majorany w nanoukladach"

/ Warszawa (Uniw. Warszawski), 1 IV 2016 /


,,Strong non-local effects due to the crossed Andreev scattering"

/ Politechnika Wroclawska, 18 XI 2015 /

,,Constructive feedback of superconductivity on the Kondo state in quantum dots"

/ Karpacz (XVII KKN), 30 X 2015 /

,,Can electron pairing promote the Kondo effect ?"

/ Prague (Czech Acad. Scien.), 6 X 2015 /

,,Nonlocal transport properties due to Andreev scattering"

/ Prague (Charles University), 5 X 2015 /

,,Superconductivity in nanoscopic systems"

/ Trogir (Croatia), 18 IX 2015 /

,,Majorana-type quasiparticles in nanoscopic systems"

/ Katowice, 15 V 2015 /

,,Majorana-type quasiparticles in nanoscopic systems"

/ Krakow, 20 IV 2015 /


,,Andreev and Majorana type quasiparticles in nanoscopic systems"

/ Wroclaw, 12 XII 2014 /

,,Residual Meissner effect and other pre-pairing phenomena in the cuprate superconductors"

/ Wroclaw, 2 X 2014 /

,,Electrons pairing versus long-range coherence from a boson fermion perspective"

/ Zakopane, 25 IX 2014 /

,,Quenching of the Kondo state by the induced on-dot pairing"

/ EMRS (Warszawa), 17 IX 2014 /

,,Interplay between superconductivity and correlations in nanoscopic systems"

/ Ustron, 10 IX 2014 /

,,Competition between the Kondo effect and electron pairing in nanoscopic systems"

/ Poznan, 23 VI 2014 /

,,Interplay between superconductivity and electron correlations in the nanoscopic structures''

/ Warszawa, 30 V 2014 /

,,Inzynieria korelacji elektronowych i nadprzewodnictwa w nanoukladach''

/ Katowice, 11 IV 2014 /

,,Fate of the Kondo impurity in a superconducting medium''

/ Karpacz, 6 III 2014 /


,,Subgap states of a quantum impurity coupled to superconducting reservoir''

/ Charles University in Prague, 14 XI 2013 /

,,Superconducting fluctuations in electron systems with the real-space pairs''

/ Czech Academy of Sciences (Prague), 12 XI 2013 /

,,To screen or not to screen, That is the question: Kondo impurity on interface with superconductor''

/ Zakopane, 11 X 2013 /

,,Procesy Andreeva w silnie skorelowanych ukladach fermionowych''

/ Krakow, 4 III 2013 /

,,Dualny charakter elektronow w nadprzewodnikach z parowaniem lokalnym''

/ Lublin, 21 II 2013 /


,,Nadprzewodniki - od badan podstawowych do zastosowan''

/ Lublin, 23 X 2012 /

,,Nadprzewodniki: wlasciwosci i zastosowania''

/ Lublin, 21 IX 2012 /

,,Andreev scattering: from the nano- to macroscale''

/ Ustron, 18 IX 2012 /

,,Dualities in superconductors with the local pairing''

/ Himeji (Japan), 4 VII 2012 /

,,Nadciecze i nadprzewodniki''

/ Lublin, 24 III 2012 /

,,Zjawisko Meissnera i kwaziczastki Bogoliubowa powyzej Tc: czy to mozliwe ?''

/ Krak\F3w, 9 I 2012 /


,,Interplay between correlations and superconductivity in electron transport through the quantum dots''

/ Poznan, 28 VI 2011 /

,,Residual diamagnetism driven by the superconducting fluctuations''

/ Lviv (Lw\F3w), 7 IV 2011 /

,,Influence of the Kondo effect on conductance of the QD coupled to superconductor''

/ Poznan, 3 II 2011 /


,,Korelacje nadprzewodzace powyzej Tc''

/ Lublin, 16 XI 2010 /

,,Signatures of the short-range superconducting correlations above Tc''

/ Ustron, 5 IX 2010 /


,,Kondensacja Bosego-Einsteina: przeglad wspolczesnych realizacji''

/ Ostrow Wielkopolski, 14 X 2009 /

,,Bose insulator - superconducting features along the Fermi arc''

/ Zurich, 23 VII 2009 /

,,Kwaziczastki Bogoliubowa w nadprzewodnikach''

/ Lublin, 20 I 2009 /


,,Nadprzewodnictwo - przeglad faktow i koncepcji''

/ Katowice, 12 XI 2008 /

,,Electron pair current through the correlated quantum dot''

/ Ustro\F1, 8 IX 2008 /

,,Najzimniejsze atomy''

/ Odolanow, 10 VII 2008 /

,,Subgap current through QD coupled to the metallic and superconducting leads''

/ Pozna\F1, 25 VI 2008 /

,,Dualizm czastka-dziura w nadprzewodnikach''

/ Lublin, 26 II 2008 /


,,Particle-hole mixing in the pseudogap state of cuprates''

/ Ladek Zdr\F3j, 8 XI 2007 /

,,Application of a continuous unitary transformation in quantum statistics''

/ Kazimierz Dolny, 26 VI 2007 /

,,Signatures of the precursor superconductivity above Tc'

/ Dresden, 18 IV 2007 /

,,Fluktuacje w nadprzewodnikach: od slabych do krytycznych''

/ Lublin, 27 III 2007 /


,,Description of a transition into superconducting state''

/ Lublin, 07 XI 2006 /

,,RG approach to the pairing instabilities''

/ Kazimierz Dolny, 28 IX 2006 /

,,Nadcieklosc i nadprzewodnictwo w ukladach bozonowo-fermionowych''

/ Toru\F1, 22 IX 2006 /

,,Nadcieklosc ultrazimnych atom\F3w'' czesc 1, czesc 2,

/ Odolan\F3w, 4 VII 2006 /

,,Nadcieklosc w ukladach ultrazimnych atomow''

/ Lublin, 7 VI 2006 /


,,Fluctuation between the BCS and BEC''

/ Kazimierz Dolny, 26 IX 2005 /

,,Nadprzewodniki: nowe fakty i teorie''

/ Warszawa, 13 IX 2005 /

,,Quantum fluctuations of the ultracold atom-molecule mixtures''

/ Poznan, 24 VI 2005 /

Lecture on the discovery and applications of superconductivity

/ Lublin, 5 III 2005 /