Next seminar is scheduled on October 16, 2018 at 10.15 a.m., during which prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Zipper (University of Silesia, Katowice) will give her talk entitled „Zastosowanie nanostruktur w medycynie”
Program about the Sun in the local TV
Local TV station TVP Lublin has emitted program in the series "Login: Science". One of the topics is devoted to the research physics of the Sun held by our astrophysics group.
You can watch it here.
Discovery of Confined Pseudo-shocks as a New Energy Source for the Heating of Sun’s Corona
SEMINAR, October 9, 2018
It is a pleasure to let you know that our next seminar is scheduled on October 9, 2018 at 10.15 a.m., during which dr hab. Krzysztof Nalewajko (Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Centre) will give his talk entitled „ Relativistic Magnetic Reconnection in Application to Gamma-Ray Astrophysics”
XXV Nuclear Physics Workshop
Nuclear Physics Workshop in Kazimierz Dolny is organized for twenty fifth time by our Department. This time Artur Dobrowolski heads the Organizing Committee.
More information one can find on the web page of the Workshop and on UMCS web page.
BUKS2018 Conference
From 3 to 7 September, 2018 group of astrophysics from our department attend "BUKS2018: Waves and Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere" conference held in La Laguna, Tenerife. Prof. Kris Murawski and Mr. Błażej Kuźma will present their work during talk "Heating of the partially-ionized solar chromosphere by 2-fluid acoustic waves" and poster "Can 2-fluid waves explain chromospheric heating and 3-min oscillations?"
Zakopane Conference on Nuclear Physics
Group of physicists from our Department take part in Zakopane Conference on Nuclear Physics organized by Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Science in Cracow. Jerzy Dudek and Michał Warda give invited lectures. Krzysztof Pomorski and Amelia Kosior present seminars. Bożena Pomorska, Irene Dedes and Jie Yang also attend the conference.
New doctor in physics
The Counsil of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science awarded Anna Zdeb with Ph.D. degree. Thesis was considered as distinctive. Congratulations!
Public defence of Ph.D. thesis
Anna Zdeb will defend her Ph.D. thesis "Investigation of fission fragment mass distribution" on Friday, 15 June at 12.00 in room 613. Thesis supervisor is Prof. Michał Warda and Prof. Artur Dobrowolski is co-supervisor.
From 11 till 22 June we host dr. Petr Jelinek from the University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic. Dr. Jelinek is a visitor of Krzysztof Murawski from Department of Astrophysics and Gravity Theory. This visit is funded by the research project NCN OPUS-13 "Numerical simulations of a partially-ionized, two-fluid solar atmosphere”.