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01.04.2025 Dr hab. Artur Dobrowolski (KFT, UMCS) Octupole deformed or vibrational-octupole instability and collectivity in 220Rn and 226Ra

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2024/2025 Summer Semester

  • 25.02.2025 Dr hab. Nicholas Sedlmayr, prof UMCS (KFT, UMCS) Quantized Thermal Hall Conductance and Topological Phase Diagrams
  • 04.03.2025 Dr hab. Andrzej Staszczak, prof UMCS (KFT, UMCS) Exploring the Nuclear Landscape with the (Constrained) Skyrme-HFB Model
  • 11.03.2025 Dr hab. Jerzy Matyjasek, prof. UMCS (KFT, UMCS) Quasinormal Modes of Black Holes: A Handful of New Results
  • 18.03.2025 Dr hab. Katarzyna Mazurek (IF PAN, Kraków) The photon-induced nuclear reactions in ultra-peripheral ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions
  • 25.03.2025 Dr hab. Paweł Potasz, prof. UMK (UMK, Toruń) Magnetism and correlated states in moiré superlattices
  • 01.04.2025 Dr hab. Artur Dobrowolski (KFT, UMCS) Octupole deformed or vibrational-octupole instability and collectivity in 220Rn and 226Ra
  • 08.04.2025 dr Jerzy Kraskiewicz (KFT, UMCS) Fale Alfvéna w atmosferze Słońca z realistycznym stopniem jonizacji plazmy
  • 15.04.2025 Prof. Dr Stefaan Poedts (KFT, UMCS / KU Leuven) Open SESAME: status and further plans
  • 29.04.2025
  • 06.05.2025
  • 13.05.2025
  • 20.05.2025 Dr Tomasz Masłowski (PRz, Rzeszów)
  • 27.05.2025
  • 03.06.2025 Prof. dr. hab. Piotr Magierski (Politechnika Warszawska)
  • 10.06.2025

2024/2025 Winter Semester

  • 08.10.2024 Prof. dr hab. Karol I. Wysokiński (KFT, UMCS) Charge transport in chiral solids as a possible tool in search of dark matter signals
  • 15.10.2024 Mayank Kumar (KFT, UMCS) Solar granulation-generated chromosphere heating and plasma outflows in two-fluid magnetic arcade
  • 22.10.2024 Dr Tomasz Cap (NCBJ Warsaw) Synthesis of new superheavy nuclei in reactions of 50Ti, 51V, and 54Cr beams with actinide targets
  • 29.10.2024 Dr Sudip Bhattacharyya (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India) Continuous gravitational waves from a neutron star: inference from multiwavelength observations
  • 12.11.2024 Dr hab. Krzysztof Wohlfeld (Warsaw University) Shining a light on the cuprate puzzle: quasiparticle versus "unparticle" physics
  • 19.11.2024 Dr Yannen Jaganathen (NCBJ Warsaw) Demystifying the fusion mechanism in heavy ion collisions within full Langevin dissipative dynamics
  • 26.11.2024 Prof. Krzysztof Pomorski (KFT, UMCS) On spontaneous and fusion-induced fission of Cf isotopes and iso-scalar liquid drop model
  • 03.12.2024 Dr Hervé Molique (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien and Université de Strasbourg, France) Shape-isomers in the Pt-Hg-Pb region
  • 10.12.2024 Prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Domański (KFT, UMCS) Dynamical processes on interfaces of topological superconductors
  • 17.12.2024 Dr hab. Przemysław Małkiewicz (NCBJ Warsaw) Testable Multiverse Scenario for Cosmology
  • 07.01.2025 Dr hab. Levan Chotorlishvili, prof. PRz (PRz, Rzeszów) Entropic uncertainty relations and effect of quantum memory
  • 14.01.2025 10:00 Dr hab. Jacek Herbrych, prof. PWr (PWr, Wrocław) Magnon damping in quantum double-exchange ferromagnets without Jahn-Teller phonons
  • 14.01.2025 11:15 Dr. Sergiy Shelyag (Flinders University, Australia) Numerical models for solar plasmas
  • 28.01.2025 mgr Aleksander Augustyn (NCBJ Warsaw) Multidimensional Random Walk Method for Studying Fusion and Fission of Heaviest Elements

2023/2024 Summer Semester

  • 27.02.2024 Dr hab. Artur Dobrowolski (KFT, UMCS) Negative parity structures within quadrupole+octupole collective model
  • 05.03.2024 Dr hab. Andrzej Biborski (AGH, Kraków) Correlated electrons in a moiré superlattice formed in twisted WSe2 homo-bilayer: Mott state and spin ordering
  • 12.03.2024 Dr hab. Patryk Mach, prof. UJ (Jagiellonian University) General-relativistic kinetic description of matter around black holes
  • 19.03.2024 Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Góźdź (KFT, UMCS) Quantum spacetime (part 2)
  • 26.03.2024 Dr Magdalena Margańska (University of Regensburg) Nontrivial in multiple ways - 1D topological superconductors
  • 09.04.2024 Prof. dr hab. Karol I. Wysokiński (KFT, UMCS) Thermoelectricity: basic concepts, and applications to nanoscale heat engines
  • 16.04.2024 Dr Paritosh Verma (KFT, UMCS) Gravitational dipole and quadrupole radiation from pulsars
  • 23.04.2024 Dr hab. Andrzej Staszczak, prof. UMCS (KFT, UMCS) Nuclear topological isomers in nuclei around Z ≈ 132
  • 07.05.2024 Dr Anna Zdeb (KFT, UMCS) Pairing and fission
  • 14.05.2024 Dr Irene Dedes (Inst. of Nuclear Physics, PAS, Kraków) Selected News about Molecular Symmetries in Subatomic Physics
  • 21.05.2024 Prof. Luis Robledo (Univ. Autónoma de Madrid, Spain) Multi-quasiparticle configuration in mean field theory: from odd nuclei to high-K isomeric states
  • 28.05.2024 Dr hab. Anna Dyrdał, prof. AMU (AMU, Poznań) Towards van-der-Waals electronics: Linear and nonlinear spin-dependent transport in topological insulators and van-der-Waals structures
  • 04.06.2024 Rafał Świętek (Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana) Eigenstate entanglement entropy and weak eigenstate thermalization

2023/2024 Winter Semester

  • 03.10.2023 Prof. Xin Guan (Liaoning Normal University, China) Pairing Interactions in Nuclei
  • 10.10.2023 Prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Domański (KFT, UMCS) Josephson junctions as a platform for topological superconductivity
  • 17.10.2023 Dr hab. Nicholas Sedlmayr, prof UMCS (KFT, UMCS) Non-Equilibrium Topological Matter
  • 24.10.2023 Dr Kamila Sieja (Université de Strasbourg) Benchmark of many-body approaches for magnetic dipole transition strength
  • 31.10.2023 Dr Błażej Kuźma (Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium) Numerical Simulations of Active Regions of Solar Atmosphere: Flaring Loops, Plasma Heating, and Neutrals Leakage into the Corona
  • 07.11.2023 Dr Shifana Koya (Academy of Athens & U. Ioannina, Greece) Assessment of the Near-Sun CME Magnetic Field from Magnetic-Helicity Conservation: 10 March 2022 CME Observed by Solar Orbiter
  • 14.11.2023 Prof. Andrei Solovjov (B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv) FeSe is a specific high-temperature superconductor; unusual properties and possibility of Dirac fermions existence
  • 21.11.2023 Prof. Andrzej Góźdź (KFT, UMCS) Projection evolution and quantum spacetime
  • 28.11.2023 Dr hab. Michał Warda, prof. UMCS (KFT, UMCS) Scission configuration of nuclei
  • 05.12.2023 Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Pomorski (KFT, UMCS) Fission of Hot and Rotating Nuclei
  • 12.12.2023 Mgr Robert Niedziela (KFT, UMCS) Chromospheric heating and generation of plasma outflows by two-fluid driven waves
  • 09.01.2024 Mgr Mariia Pelekhata (KFT, UMCS) Influence of electrons on granulation-generated solar chromosphere heating and plasma outflows
  • 16.01.2024 Prof. dr hab. Szymon Pustelny (Jagiellonian University, Kraków) Experimental Search for Dark Matter
  • 23.01.2024 Dr Szczepan Głodzik (KFT, UMCS) Higher order spin interactions mediated by the substrate
  • 30.01.2024 Prof. Rayner Rodriguez-Guzman (Seville University, Spain) Microscopic description of fission based on the Gogny energy density functional