Research topics
- Solid-state physics
- Transport of electrons through quantum dots
- Correlated and disordered electron systems
- Theories and models of superconductivity
- Majorana quasiparticles
- Topological states of matter
- Optical properties of the low dimensional structures
- Nuclear Physics
- Nuclear fission and light particle emission
- Nuclear collective excitations
- Superheavy nuclei
- Point symmetries in nuclei
- K-isomers and nuclear shapes
- The predictive power of nuclear theories
- Physics of the Sun and the Solar System
- Heating of the Sun's atmosphere
- Origin of the solar wind
- Space weather
- Cosmology and gravitation theory
- Perturbative black holes
- The mathematical theory of black holes and black branes
- Unification theories
- Quantum field theory in a curved background
- Quantum gravity
- Mathematical Physics
- Symmetries in physics
- Algebraic methods in physics
- Principles of quantum mechanics
Research grants
- dr hab. Nicholas Sedlmayr, prof. UMCS
Relaxation and Dynamics in Non-Equilibrium Topological Quantum Matter
2024/53/B/ST3/02600 OPUS 27 NCN 2025-2029 - dr hab. Michał Warda, prof. UMCS
The distribution of nuclear matter during fission
2023/49/B/ST2/01294 OPUS 25 NCN 2024-2027 - prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Domański
Superconducting nanohybrids out of equilibrium
Weave-UNISONO 2022 NCN 2023-2026 - prof. dr hab. Marek Rogatko
Black objects probe dark matter sector
2022/45/B/ST2/00013 OPUS 23 NCN 2022-2026 - prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Murawski
Granulation-associated solar atmospheric heating and solar wind origin
2020/37/B/ST9/00184, OPUS 19 NCN 2021-2025 - prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Murawski, prof. dr Stefaan Poedts
SWATNET Space Weather Awareness Training Network
955620 HORIZON 2020 ERC (Coordinating organization: University of Helsinki) 2020-2025
Previous grants
- dr Anna Zdeb
Role of pairing correlations in spontaneous fission process of atomic nuclei
2021/43/P/ST2/03036, POLNEZ BIS 1 2022-2024 - dr Nicholas Sedlmayr
Quench Dynamics of Topological Materials: Dynamical Phase Transitions and Entanglement
2019/35/B/ST3/03625, OPUS 18 NCN 2020-2024 - prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Pomorski
Theoretical investigation of the low and middle energy nuclear fission
2018/30/Q/ST2/00185, SHENG 1 NCN/NSFC (China) 2019-2023 - prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Domański
Majorana fermions in transport through correlated nanoscale systems
2018/29/B/ST3/00937, OPUS 15 NCN 2019-2023 - mgr Aksel Kobiałka
Study of hybrid systems containing Majorana bound states
2018/31/N/ST3/01746, PRELUDIUM NCN 2019-2022 - mgr Dariusz Wójcik
Realistic numerical simulations of two-fluid solar granulation in a partially-ionized plasma
2017/27/N/ST9/01798, PRELUDIUM NCN 2018-2021 - prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Murawski
Numerical simulations of a partially-ionized, two-fluid solar atmosphere
2017/25/B/ST9/00506, OPUS NCN 2018-2021 - prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Domański
States bound in superconductors and interconnects
2017/27/B/ST3/01911, OPUS NCN 2018-2021 - mgr Szczepan Głodzik
Influence of magnetic admixtures on states connected in superconductors
2017/27/N/ST3/01762, PRELUDIUM NCN 2018-2020 - prof. dr hab. Jerzy Dudek
New Approach to the Theoretical Determination of Stability of Exotic Nuclei with Estimates of Modelling Uncertainties
2016/21/B/ST2/01227, OPUS NCN 2017-2020 - mgr Anna Zdeb Badanie rozkładu mas fragmentów rozszczepienia UMO-2017/24/T/ST2/00396, ETIUDA NCN 2017-2018
- mgr Anna Zdeb Badanie rozkładów mas fragmentów rozszczepienia UMO-2014/13/N/ST2/02551, PRELUDIUM NCN 2015-2018