Nicholas Sedlmayr received a grant OPUS from the National Science Center for his research on Relaxation and Dynamics in Non-Equilibrium Topological Quantum Matter. The grant is scheduled for four years.

Nicholas Sedlmayr received a grant OPUS from the National Science Center for his research on Relaxation and Dynamics in Non-Equilibrium Topological Quantum Matter. The grant is scheduled for four years.
The symposium „Correlations, topology and superconductivity” will be devoted to the strongly correlated many-body systems, ranging from bulk materials to nanoscopic structures, with special emphasis on novel emergent phenomena. This one-day event will be held on November 14th. Its purpose is to bring renowned experts of solid-state physics from across Poland to overview the recent discoveries concerning exotic superconductivity and topologically nontrivial states of matter and to discuss novel methodological tools for studying quantum entanglement and transport properties of the strongly correlated systems and their hybrid structures. This symposium is dedicated to Professor Karol Izydor Wysokiński on the occasion of his 50-year employment at the Institute of Physics at M. Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin.
Michał Warda received a grant OPUS from the National Science Center for his research on "The distribution of nuclear matter during fission". The project 2023/49/B/ST2/01294 will be realized in the net 3 years.
Anna Zdeb was elected as a Member of the Board of the Lublin Branch of the Polish Physical Society for the cadency 2024-2025. Michał Warda has been elected to the Revision Committee of the Lublin Branch of the Polish Physical Society.
Tadeusz Domański, the Head of the Department of Theoretical Physics, has been elected as a member of the the Council of Scientific Excellence. He is one three representatives of physical sciecees in the Council. Here are results:
The President of the UMCS has nominated Tadeusz Domański for Head of the Department of Theoretical Physics form the 1st of October 2023.
Marek Rogatko presents his research in an interesting interview in the latest "University News" issue. See page 33.
Tadeusz Domański has been elected to the MagTop. MAG-TOP is the International Scientific Committee of the International Centre for Interfacing Magnetism and Superconductivity with Topological Matter. It is the Division ON-6 of the Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences (IF PAN) in Warsaw.
Karol I. Wysokiński has been elected to the Scientific Council of the Institute of Molecular Physics Polish Academy of Science (IFM PAN) in Poznań for the term 2023-2026.
The paper "Successive Interacting Coronal Mass Ejections: How to create the Perfect Storm ?" published in the Astrophysical Journal and co-authored by Stefaan Poedts, is highlighted in the ASS Nova - site of the American Astronomical Society devoted to present research highlights.