W dniach 20-25 maja br. gościmy u nas Prof. Zdzisława Musielaka (University of Tesas, Arlington, USA). Prof. Musielak jest gościem prof. Krzysztofa Murawskiego z Zakładu Astrofizyki i Teorii Grawitacji. Spotkanie odbywa się w ramach projektu badawczego NCN OPUS-8 „Fale magnetohydrodynamiczne i dynamika plazmy w obszarach spokojnych Słońca i dziurach koronalnych”.
Invited lecture of prof. Jerzy Dudek
Prof. Jerzy Dudek presented invited talk“ Nuclear tetrahedral and octahedral symmetries: New research lines” at the Padova conference on ‘Quantum phase transitions’.
It was received with high interest, excellent discussion and several congratulations on private terms on the occasion of ‘opening new roads / horizons’. This is one of the third out of five invitations received within a few months of time only — to present the progress in this domain. The central results have been published as a Rapid Communication in Physical Review C.
SEMINAR, MAY 22, 2018
It is a pleasure to let you know that our next seminar is scheduled on May 22, 2018 at 10.15 a.m., during which prof. Zdzisław Musielak (University of Texas, Arlington, USA) will give his talk entitled “Dark Matter”
SEMINAR, MAY 15, 2018
It is a pleasure to let you know that our next seminar is scheduled on May 15, 2018 at 10.15 a.m., during which prof. dr hab. Jerzy Kozicki (Institute of Mathematics, UMCS) will give his talk entitled " Phase transitions "
It is a pleasure to let you know that our next seminar is scheduled on May 8, 2018 at 10.15 a.m., during which prof. Grzegorz Michałek (Astronomical Observatory of the Jagiellonian University) will give his talk entitled "Periodic oscillations in LASCO coronal mass ejection speeds "
Krzysztof Pomorski and Bożena Pomorska in China
Krzysztof Pomorski and Bożena Pomorska continue their stay in China. The visit is successful and a new collaboration between Polish and Chinese physicists will be established.
BOSSA Workshop
Tadeusz Domański will co-chair International Workshop on Bound States in Supercondutors and Interfaces (BOSSA). It will be held at Max-Plack Institute in Dresden, Germany from 8 till 10 April 2019.
More information on web page:
Nuclear Physics Workshop
XXV Nuclear Physics Workshop will be organized by our Department form 25 till 30 September this year. This conference will be a perfect platform to integrate community of nuclear physicists from all over the world. This year Artur Dobrowolski heads the organising committee.
More details:
Krzysztof Murawski in Graz
Prof. Krzysztof Murawski visits Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Austria where he collaborate with prof. Teimuraz Zaqarashvili.
Guests from Dubna
From 12 till 20 April we host a group of scientist from Dubna:
Dr Chuluunbaatar Ochbadrakh (Russia Institute of Mathematics, National University of Mongolia, UlaanBaatar, Mongolia)
Dr Vazgen Sargsyan (JNR, Dubna)