The work and lectures were done at the Chair of Theoretical Physics
Lectures, research, publications on nuclear phycics and basic computer science ...
The page consists some programs in Java, Fortran and Pascal.
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Research projects deal with nuclear physics models and structure, superheavy elements and some computational techniques.
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It always does seem to me that I am doing more work than I
should do. It is not that I object to the work, mind you;
I like work: it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it
for hours. I love to keep it by me: the idea of getting
rid of it nearly breaks my heart.
You cannot give me too much work; to accumulate work has
almost become a passion with me: my study is so full of it
now, that there is hardly an inch of room for any more. I
shall have to throw out a wing soon.
And I am careful of my work, too. Why, some of the work
that I have by me now has been in my possession for years
and years, and there isn’t a finger-mark on it. I take a
great pride in my work; I take it down now and then and
dust it. No man keeps his work in a better state of
preservation than I do.
But, though I crave for work, I still like to be fair. I
do not ask for more than my proper share.
But I get it without asking for it — at least, so it
appears to me — and this worries me.
(Three Men in a Boat, by Jerome K. Jerome (Ch. xv))
The work and lectures were done at the Chair of Theoretical Physics
Wydział Matematyki, Fizyki i Informatyki UMCS (MFI UMCS)
UMCS - Uniwersytet Marii Curie- Skłodowskiej, Lublin, PL
Probability waves
Nie można wykluczyć, że atom składa się wyłącznie z promieniowania, które z niego wychodzi. Na nic zda sie twierdzenie, że promieniowanie może wychodzić z niczego. [...] Mówienie, że istnieje tam mała twarda bryłka, która jest elektronem czy protonem, to nieuprawnione przenoszenie na mikroświat zdroworozsądkowych pojęć wywiedzionych z dotyku.[...] "Materia" to wygodna formuła do opisywania tego, co dzieje się tam, gdzie jej nie ma. (Bertrand Russel: An outline of philosophy.)
Every phycicist thinks that he knows what a photon is... I spent my life to find out what a photon is and I still don't know it. (A. Einstein.)
... what is essential is invisible to the eye. (De Saint Exupery, Antoine: The Little Prince.)
We should expect an intention to reduce God to a system of differential equations... (Eddington, Sir Arthur Stanley: The Nature of the Physical World.)
andrzej.baran@umcs.pl baran@kft.umcs.lublin.pl
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