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More Advanced Approach to the Hyperdeformation - New Predictions

We would like to optimize the commonly used "universal" parametrisation of the deformed Woods-Saxon hamiltonian, in particular, in order to better simulate the effect of the average neutron-proton interactions which are rather poorly represented so far. We would then also further develop the density-dependent version (partly self-consistent version) of the spin-orbit interactions in the Woods-Saxon hamiltonian. With the improved hamiltonian we expect to obtain a more reliable predictions related to the nuclear hyperdeformation and the corresponding realistic, hyperdeformed shell-closures.

We would like to extend and to improve the high-spin calculations of the properties of the hyper-deformed nuclear states by introducing the Dirac mean field hamiltonian consisting from the scalar and vector potentials. The form of the Dirac hamiltonian is established on basis of the relativistic mean field theory and its parameters will be fixed by a direct fit to the experimental data.
