Another group of subjects strongly related in particular to the SD bands,
concerns the often discussed, but not satisfactorily
documented, problem of the so-called (=2)-staggering. This effect,
claimed to exist in some SD bands, corresponds to an up-ward (down-ward) shift
of states with spins I = I0, I = I0+4, I = I0+8 etc. with respect to
the rotor-type average [E
I(I+1)], and a down-ward (up-ward) shift of
the states with spins I = I0 +2, I = I0+6, I = I0+10 etc., with
respect to the same average. This problem is related more generally
to the question of possible systematic deviations in rotational bands from
the rotor-type behaviour - deviations that may signify new, specific point
group symmetries as proposed e.g. by I. Hamamoto and B. Mottelson.
We would like to study the problem of the
(=2)-staggering and other possible forms of deviations from the
usual, regular rotational pattern in super- and hyper-deformed nuclei.
It was shown that the nuclear average field
theory both non-selfconsistent (see the former reference) and the self-consistent
Hartree-Fock (the latter one) do not support the idea of the
C4-symmetry as a possible origin of the (=2)-staggering
at least in the A
150 superdeformed nuclei. We would like to study
other mechanisms that may produce either regular (cyclic) or irregular
deviations from the "rigid-rotor" behaviour. We would also like to correlate
possible intrinsic symmetries with the precise forms of those deviations.
Both studies will be done by using the model hamiltonians expressed as
expansions in terms of the
nuclear angular momentum operators (
Another aspect related to the C4-symmetry hypothesis (and even if this particular symmetry does not hold in the nuclei considered today) can be studied by using the microscopic model hamiltonians containing explicitly the two-body nucleon-nucleon interactions but in this case solved within the limited many-body bases. The "exactly" soluble models of this type have on some occasions been employed within e.g. single j-shell spaces employing the standard multipole-multipole and pairing type interactions. We would like to apply this technique with suitably selected model nucleon-nucleon forces (hexadecapole-hexadecapole components to start with) in order to examine in detail the possible scenarios of the perturbations in the rotor spectra in function of the intrinsic symmetry of the hamiltonian.