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Isospectral Superdeformed Bands

We would like to investigate the isospectral bands (also called "identical") using the average nuclear field approach together with its realistic non-selfconsistent (deformed Woods-Saxon hamiltonian) and selfconsistent (Hartree-Fock with the Skyrme interaction) versions. The first pilot projects suggest that the polarization of the moments of inertia by an odd, non-intruder nucleon, is markedly lower in the case of the selfconsistent approach as compared to the non-selfconsistent calculations.

We would like to further elucidate the role of the pseudo-symmetries in the super- and hyper-deformed state structure. In this case we would like to extend the calculations to several mass ranges (A$\sim$80, A$\sim$132, A$\sim$150, A$\sim$190, A$\sim$230) in particular by using the improved hamiltonians (see below). We would like to combine here the superdeformation-oriented calculations with the results on the pseudo-spin transformation project introduced in the framework of Sec. 7.
