10th Nuclear Physics Workshop 2003 10th Nuclear Physics Workshop 2003  
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List of lectures

  Name Affiliation Title
1. Ken-ichiro Arita NIT Shell structures and periodic orbit bifurcations in deformed nuclei, dependence on surface diffuseness and the effect of spin-orbit coupling
2. Faical Azaiez IReS Shell-structure changes in neutron-rich nuclei
3. Christian Beck IReS Nuclear alpha-clustering, superdeformation and quasimolecular resonances
4. Jean-Francois Berger CEA Structure of superheavy nuclei with the Gogny force
5. Emil Betak SAS Pre-equilibrium cluster emission
6. Matthias Brack UR Semiclassical calculations of the fission barriers and their relation to quantum chaos
7. Aurel Bulgac UW Energy density functional approach to superfluid nuclei
8. Philippe Chomaz GANIL Phase transitions in finite systems
9. Klaus Dietrich TUM On insulated changed metallic clusters
10. Jacek Dobaczewski UW Mean-field studies of exotic nuclei
11. Jerzy Dudek IReS Tetrahedral and other exotic symmetries in nuclei
12. Hubert Flocard IPNO Research on novel options for nuclear energy production and waste management : The French public programme
13. Andrzej Gozdz UMCS Generalized quantum rotors and its symmetries
14. Francis Hanappe ULB Dynamics of capture reactions in the superheavy region
15. Paul-Henri Heenen ULB The shape coexistence description by mean-field and beyond mean-field methods
16. Jerzy Jastrzebski SLCJ Neutron density distribution deduced from antiprotonic atoms
17. Hans Jurgen Krappe HMI Analytic results on level densities
18. Joe Natowitz TAMU Coalescence, caloric curves, critical (?) behavior
19. Marie-Genevieve Porquet CSNSM High-spin structure of neutron-rich nuclei produced by heavy-ion induced fission
20. Philippe Quentin CENBG Paring correlations at high angular momenta: Collective aspects and the effect of particle number conservation
21. Ingemar Ragnarsson LTH The nuclear mass at finite angular momenta
22. Luis Robledo UAM Beyond mean field approximations with effective forces
23. Jan Styczen INP Deformation in light nuclei
24. Wladyslaw J. Swiatecki LBNL The physics of nucleus-nucleus fusion
25. Andres Zuker IReS The need of three-body forces

  Autor: M. Warda
Last modificated: 2003-09-22

Sponsored by: PKO BP LubMAN UMCS Prela - Browary Lublelskie
Financial support by: French Embassy
in Poland
Committee of Physics
Polish Academy of Sciences