10th Nuclear Physics Workshop 2003 10th Nuclear Physics Workshop 2003  
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10th Nuclear Physics Workshop of Marie and Pierre Curie

Kazimierz Dolny,  Poland

24 - 28 September 2003



December 9, 2002

=====  First Circular  =====

Dear Colleague,

  We are pleased to announce that for its 10th anniversary in September 2003 the Nuclear Theory Workshop in Kazimierz will be very international with English as the conference language. In previous years this workshop was always attended by several foreign guests, mostly from France, but the conference language was to a large part Polish. Experimental nuclear physicists have always been welcome to this workshop. We would like, however, to put a special emphasis for the 2003 edition of the workshop on a large participation of our colleagues experimentalists to favor a dialogue profitable to all of us.

  We were first worried if such changes as compared to previous workshops make any sense, since there are quite a few conferences in nuclear physics organized throughout the year. We have therefore sent out in October 2002 an intention letter among our French colleagues and some physicists worldwide known as Franco- or Polono-philes. The response was rapid and quite encouraging for us: already now we are expecting in Kazimierz 25 French physicists, 5 from Germany, 4 from Spain, 2 from Belgium and 5 from 'the rest of the World'.... We have reserved one of the best hotels in Kazimierz with quite good standard which can house 90 people in the main building and 12 in some adjacent house. We are therefore able to accommodate the senior Physicists participating, but also a certain number of PhD and diploma students. It is worthwhile mentioning here that typically half of the participants in the Kazimierz workshops in previous years were young people. We hope that you, too, will bring some of your students along.

  In the following we are going to give you some details about the planned Workshop. In this first circular nothing will be said about the entertainments we are preparing for you, but you can be sure that your stay in Kazimierz will never be boring. Our students and the renaissance environment in Kazimierz will take care of that!

 Welcome to the Workshop!

 Sincerely yours,

Krzysztof Pomorski (UMCS)
Johann Bartel (IReS)


Objective :

  This is the 10th Marie and Pierre Curie Workshop in the field of Theoretical Nuclear Physics. It follows the tradition of the school of Zdzislaw Szymanski, who was one of the major promoters of the Kazimierz meetings. The purpose of these workshops traditionally is to bring senior scientists and students together to discuss topical problems in our field, including difficult or hard-to-solve topics.

  The 10th Workshop also offers an opportunity for close interactions between experimental and theoretical nuclear physicists. We hope that this workshop will give a good opportunity to summarize developments in nuclear physics in the past few years, and make scope for closer collaborations between different groups.

The symposium will in particular address the following topics:

 1. Structure of heavy and unstable nuclei
 2. High spin physics
 3. Fission and fusion dynamics
 4. Nuclear shell model
 5. Beyond the mean-field approximation
 6. Exotic nuclear processes
 7. Nuclear clustering and quasi-molecules
 8. Large aggregates of fermions
 9. Safe nuclear energy and environmental protection.

 Those who are interested in the workshop and wish to receive the second circular are requested to fill in the form attached below and send it to us by May 31, 2003.

Workshop Directors:

Krzysztof Pomorski
Department of Theoretical Physics
University M.C.S.
20-031 Lublin, Poland
Telephone/Fax: +48-81-537-6168/ +48-81-537-6190
E-mail: pomorski@kft.umcs.lublin.pl

Johann Bartel
Institut de Recherches Subatomiques
Physique Theorique
F-67037 Strasbourg Cedex 2, France
Tel./Fax: +33-3-8810-6787/ +33-3-8810 6202
E-mail: Johann.Bartel@IReS.in2p3.fr

Local Organizing Committee:
Andrzej Baran (+48-81-537-6174) - proceedings
Andrzej Staszczak (+48-81-537-6241) - scientific secretary
Leszek Prochniak (+48-81-537-6164) - finances
Michal Warda (+48-81-537-6241)- all purposes
Krystyna Zajac (+48-81-537-6163) - accommodation

Host Institute:

Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej (UMCS) in Lublin, Poland

Duration of Workshop:

 The meeting will begin in the afternoon of Wednesday, September 24th, 2003 and end in the afternoon on Sunday, September 28th, 2003.

Conference Place and Accommodation:

 The Workshop will be held in the hotel "Dom Architekta" on the Market Place in Kazimierz Dolny, located by the Vistula River, about 120 km South-East of Warsaw. We will be able to accommodate up to 90 participants at the hotel (main building) and 12 in the outhouse.

Conference Costs:

  The Workshop fee shouldn't be larger than 250 Euro (1000zl) and will cover all expenses, including housing and meals.

Contributed Papers:

 The Symposium will comprise invited talks, contributed oral and poster presentations. A special poster session will be set up, where each paper can have a few-minute oral presentation. Young scientists are strongly encouraged to submit the contributed papers. We are going to publish the proceedings with the invites talks, seminars and selected posters.

Preliminary, not complete, list of speakers and titles of the lectures:

Yasuhisa Abe: "A Dynamical Theory for Synthesis of Superheavy Elements" or "Theoretical Predictions of Cross Sections for Superheavy Elements"

Faical Azaiez (IReS): "Shell-structure changes in neutron-rich nuclei"

Christian Beck (IReS): "Nuclear Alpha-Clustering, Superdeformation and Quasimolecular Resonances"

Matthias Brack (U.Regensgurg): "Semiclassical calculations of the fission barriers and their relation to quantum chaos"

Aurel Bulgac (Seattle) : "Energy Density Functional Approach to Superfluid Nuclei"

Philippe Chomaz (GANIL): "Phase transitions in finite systems"

Jacek Dobaczewski (U.Warsaw): "Mean-field studies of exotic nuclei"

Jerzy Dudek (IReS): "Tetrahedral and other exotic symmetries in nuclei"

Andrzej Gozdz (UMCS): "Generalized quantum rotors and its symmetries"

Claude Guet (CEA): "Physics of complex metallic aggregates"

Florent Haas (IReS): "Nuclear Molecules and Nuclear Rainbows in Light Heavy-Ion Collisions".

Francis Hanappe (ULB): "Dynamics of capture reactions in the superheavy region"

Paul-Henri Heenen (ULB): "The shape coexistence description by mean-field and
beyond mean-field methods"

Jerzy Jastrzebski: "Neutron Density Distribution Deduced from Antiprotonic Atoms"

Wieslaw A. Kaminski (UMCS): "Neutrino-less double beta decay"

Frederic Nowacki (IReS): "Recent advances in the nuclear shell model"

Luis Robledo (UAM): "Beyond mean field approximations with effective forces"

Jan Styczen (INP): "Deformation in light nuclei"

W.J. Swiatecki (LBL): "Fusion cross sections for production of superheavy nuclei" or on "Nuclear quasi-molecules" (not fixed yet)

 The final list of invited talks, the instruction for contributed paper, the registration and accommodation forms will be released in the second circular.


 If you are interested in the symposium and wish to receive the second circular, please fill in the questionnaire attached here and send it before May 31, 2003 to the workshop secretariat, wfj@kft.umcs.lublin.pl or fill a corresponding questionnaire on our web-page: http://kft.umcs.lublin.pl/wfj.

Time Lines in 2003:
April 30 Second circular with planned invited talks, instruction for contributed papers and the registration/accommodation forms
May 31Dead line for the questionnaire
July 31 Dead line for registration and abstract
September 15Third circular with final program, information on transportation, etc.
September 24-28Workshop

For further details about the conference, you are kindly requested to visit our homepage at http://kft.umcs.lublin.pl/wfj


 Andrzej Staszczak
 Katedra Fizyki Teoretycznej
 Uniwersytet Marii Curie Sklowowskiej
 Tel: +48-81-537-6241
 Fax: +48-81-537-6190
 E-mail :wfj@kft.umcs.lublin.pl


--- Please cut here and send to the secretariat ---


  (Family name),  (First name),  (Middle name)
Full name:

Title: (Prof./ Dr./ Mr./ Ms.)


Postal address:



I wish to receive the 2nd circular:  (yes/no)

I plan to attend the symposium: (yes/maybe/no)

Number of accompanying persons:

I plan to submit a contributed paper:  (yes, maybe/no)

 Tentative title:

 Brief abstract:

* Please send before May 31, 2003 to the workshop secretariat, wfj@kft.umcs.lublin.pl

  Autor: M. Warda
Last modificated: 2003-09-22

Sponsored by: PKO BP LubMAN UMCS Prela - Browary Lublelskie
Financial support by: French Embassy
in Poland
Committee of Physics
Polish Academy of Sciences