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Isovector Deformations at Extreme Isospins

The neutron and proton densities are expected to undergo an evolution when the proton and neutron numbers vary considerably. We would like to combine the modified Hartree-Fock approach (see above) together with a more phenomenological method based on two average potentials for each kind of particles and modified liquid drop model.

In a parallel way, a large excess of neutrons offers the possibility to have different deformations for proton and neutron densities in medium and heavy nuclei. Microscopic theories have already been applied for this purpose and it was found that the absolute value of the difference between the proton and neutron deformations could even exceed 10% of the global deformation.

It will be also interesting to investigate the difference of density distribution deformations of both kind of particles along the path to fission and for the shape isomers. A preliminary study of this effect was already done on basis of the HFB calculation with Gogny force.

We would like to continue our searching of the bubble or semi-bubble structure in the region of neutron-deficient superheavy nuclei. The HFB calculations with Gogny forces as well as some estimates using the ETF and the Skyrme forces have shown that such exotic structures of nuclei could exist.

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