2nd circular

We would like to announce for a second time the 26th edition
of the annual meeting, Nuclear Physics Workshop, devoted to
up-to-date subjects and challenges in theoretical nuclear physics.
The leading topic of the conference is „Key problems of nuclear physics”.

The Workshop will begin on Tuesday, 24th September 2019 at 19:00
and will end on Sunday 29th September 2019 morning. A registration
desk will be open on Tuesday from 17:00 in the lobby of the
„Dom Pracy Tworczej SDP” hotel (also called „Dom Dziennikarza”):

„Dom Pracy Tworczej SDP” hotel
ul. Malachowskiego 17
24-120 Kazimierz Dolny
Tel. (+ 48 81) 881 01 62
Fax: (+ 48 81) 881 01 65
email: info@domdziennikarza.com


The conference fee of 520 EUR covers full lodging (in double rooms),
meals and publication costs in Acta Physica Polonica-Proceedings Supplement.
Payment should be made before July 31st by a bank transfer to the account
given below. Limited number of single rooms are available at an additional
charge of 50 EUR. The conference fee for accompanying persons in double room
is 340 EUR.

Alternatively, after agreement of the organizers, payment may be made
at the hotel reception desk during the conference in cash or by credit card
(VISA, MasterCard). The fee (in Polish zloty PLN) is 2400 PLN in a double
and 2600 PLN in a single room, 1400 PLN for accompanying person.

Owner: Stowarzyszenie Dziennikarzy Polskich
Dom Pracy Tworczej w Kazimierzu Dolnym
Owner’s address: ul. Malachowskiego 17, 24-120 Kazimierz Dolny
Bank: Bank PEKAO SA
Bank address: Bank PEKAO SA I/O Pulawy, ul. Partyzantow 8, 24-100 Pulawy
IBAN: PL 07 1240 2412 1111 0000 3610 7559
with reference (IMPORTANT!): NAME OF PARTICIPANT – XXVI Nuclear Physics Workshop


All participants including invited speakers are kindly asked to register
through the registration form available on our web page:

Abstract should be submitted as a tex file. The template file
should be used (see top of the registration form).
Please send abstracts directly to wfj@kft.umcs.lublin.pl.

The deadline for registration and abstract submission is 30t July.


Sven Aberg
Anatoli Afanasjev
Nikolay Antonenko
Johann Bartel
Karim Bennaceur
Anna Bezbakh
Guillaume Blanchon
Simone Bottoni
Matthias Brack
Gillis Carlsson
Yongjing Chen
Natalia Cieplicka-Orynczak
Dany Davesne
Algirdas Deveikis
Noel Dubray
Jerzy Dudek
Lorenzo Fortunato
Alexander Gusev
Marcella Grasso
Kouichi Hagino
Arnau Rios Huguet
Piotr Jachimowicz
Yannen Jaganathen
Nomura Kosuke
Michal Kowal
Jan Kvasil
Cheng Li
Elena Litvinova
Katarzyna Mazurek
Genis Musulmanbekov
Paweł Napiorkowski
Alessandro Pastore
Costel Petrache
Aleksandra Pedrak
Eryk Piasecki
Nathalie Pillet
Leszek Prochniak
Azam Rahmatinejad
Diego Ramos
David Regnier
Peter Ring
Krzysztof Rusek
Gabriela Thiamova
Junlong Tian
Wolfgang Schafer
Christelle Schmitt
Antoni Szczurek
Timur Shneidman
Kamila Sieja
Julian Srebrny
Xavier Vinas
Sergue Vinitskiy
Krystyna Siwek-Wilczynska
Qianghua Wu
Pengwei Zhao

Artur Dobrowolski
Instytut Fizyki UMCS
ul. Radziszewskiego 10
20-031 Lublin, Poland
tel: (+48 81) 537 6164
fax: (+48 81) 537 6190
e-mail: wfj(at)kft.umcs.lublin.pl

We look forward to seeing you in Kazimierz!