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Algebraic Generator Coordinate Method
and its Applications

The principal frame of the formalism is based on an algebraic construction introduced first by Gelfand, Neimark and Segal. Several publications strongly encourage a further extension of the formalism aiming at a uniform and elegant description of the nuclear collective motion together with the possible underlying symmetries.

We would like now to apply the formalism to a systematic analysis of the rotational spectra and couplings of the rotational motion to other, first of all quadrupole and octupole vibrations. By analyzing various possible model-symmetries introduced to the formalism we hope to learn about the isospectral bands.

We would like to examine in detail the problem of the existence of all quantum numbers that may characterize collective modes; we would like to study this problem of symmetry by re-examining some of the most successful nuclear models (generalized Bohr model, algebraic model of Rowe and Rosentsteel, and the Interacting Boson Approximation).
