FUNCTION: This is the ASCII overview file for the Fortran 90 codes accompanying the text Fundamentals of Numerical Computing. AUTHORS: Lawrence Shampine, Richard Allen, Steven Pruess DATE: January, 1998 The file saplib.f90 contains two modules. The module SAP_CODES contains all the subprograms provided for the text. The KIND of the working precision is defined in the module SAP_WP as WP = SELECTED_REAL_KIND(10,50). This module is USEd in all the example programs and all real constants are defined in terms of the working precision, WP. Example programs for each of the subprograms are provided in the files xlinsys.f90 - an example of the solution of a system of linear equations using FACTOR/SOLVE. xspline.f90 - an example of interpolation with a complete cubic spline using SPCOEF/SVALUE. xzero.f90 - an example of finding a zero of a function using ZERO. xadapt.f90 - an example of computing a definite integral using ADAPT. x1rke.f90 - an example of the solution of a system of ordinary differential equations using RKE. x2rke.f90 - an example of the solution of a system of ordinary differential equations using RKE and YVALUE. The programs have been coded in Essential LF90, a proper subset of Fortran 90 proposed by Lahey Computer Systems. A rationale for the subset can be found at All the programs have been compiled and run with at least three compilers. Comments should be directed to