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Last modified: Dec 22, 2010. Copyright © Institute of Physics UMCS

GALLERY (more pics)

  • Bimodal fission: q2, q3

  • Bimodal fission: q2, q4

  • Multimodal fission modes

  • Broyden method vs linear mixing

  • Spontaneous fission half lives

  • Spontaneous fission half lives


  • XVII Workshop on Nuclear Physics: Symmetry and symmetry breaking in nuclei. September 22-26.2010, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland. Details: Workshop HOME.
  • The cooperation with ORNL is developing nicely.
  • New Project: Structure and decays of heaviest nuclei in EDF models
  • We are looking for Ph.D. students interested in the field we are developing. CONTACT
  • UMCS CISCO Networking Academy - CNA degree. See: Enrollments ...
  • Copernicium, Cn, Z=112. IUPAC has approved the name copernicium (Cn), for the element of atomic number 112. Priority for the discovery was assigned, to the GSI in Darmstadt, Germany.