10th Nuclear Physics Workshop 2003 10th Nuclear Physics Workshop 2003  
  Andrzej Staszczak

UMCS, Lublin

Chirally symmetric effective field theory for nuclei

The Lorentz-invariant nuclear lagrangian of Furnstahl, Serot and Tang (FST) is discussed. The FST lagrangian is derived in terms of an effective field theory and exhibits a nonlinear realization of chiral symmetry SU(2)_L x SU(2)_R. The relevant degrees of freedom are nucleons, pions and low-lying non-Goldstone bosons: isoscalar scalar (sigma) and vector (omega) mesons, and isovector vector (rho) mesons. The terms in the lagrangian are organized by applying Georgi's naive dimensional analysis and naturalness condition. As a consequence all coupling constants in theory are dimensionless and of order unity.

  Autor: M. Warda
Last modificated: 2003-09-22

Sponsored by: PKO BP LubMAN UMCS Prela - Browary Lublelskie
Financial support by: French Embassy
in Poland
Committee of Physics
Polish Academy of Sciences