10th Nuclear Physics Workshop 2003 10th Nuclear Physics Workshop 2003  
  Nicolas Schunck

US, Surrey

Various Theoretical Evidences for Tetrahedral and Octahedral Symmetries in Atomic Nuclei

Nuclear deformation is a spectacular manifestation of the nuclear Jahn-Teller effect. Recently, nuclei with the tetrahedral and octahedral symmetries have been shown to exist throughout the nuclear chart. These structures are characterized by unique four-fold individual degeneracies and large shell effets (see the talk by J. Dudek). Various forms of realistic mean-field calculations have been performed which all support the existence of these exotic structures, and will be reviewed as well as briefly discussed.

  Autor: M. Warda
Last modificated: 2003-09-22

Sponsored by: PKO BP LubMAN UMCS Prela - Browary Lublelskie
Financial support by: French Embassy
in Poland
Committee of Physics
Polish Academy of Sciences