10th Nuclear Physics Workshop 2003 10th Nuclear Physics Workshop 2003  
  Yoshihiro Aritomo

JINR, Dubna

Dynamical calculation for fusion-fission process in superheavy mass region

Y. Aritomo and M. Ohta

Using the fluctuation-dissipation model, we try to investigate the fusion-fission process in superheavy mass region. In this work, we employ 3-dim Langevin equation for all fusion-fission process. We also take into account the neutron emission during the Langevin calculation. The neutron multiplicity directly depends on the time scale of trajectory, so we can investigate the different class of the dynamical process precisely. Our analysis is useful for identifying the detail of the fusion-fission process in connection with the neutron multiplicity

  Autor: M. Warda
Last modificated: 2003-09-22

Sponsored by: PKO BP LubMAN UMCS Prela - Browary Lublelskie
Financial support by: French Embassy
in Poland
Committee of Physics
Polish Academy of Sciences