Postdoctoral Position
Quench Dynamics of Topological Materials: Dynamical Phase Transitions and Entanglement
A postdoctoral position, starting from 1st January 2021, is open within the theoretical physics department in the institute of physics in UMCS, Lublin, with Nicholas Sedlmayr.
Project description:
In this project we propose to deepen and widen the current understanding of topological insulators out-of-equilibrium in their dynamics following a quench. The bulk-boundary correspondence relates the bulk topology of these systems to the existence of protected edge modes on their boundaries. One major focus of this project will be the role that these states play during time evolution, and how they modify the dynamics and the development of entanglement. Several different dynamical scenarios will be considered: Quenches and multiple sequential quenches, continuous and periodic driving, and dissipation. Periodic driving is known to potentially lead to new boundary modes which can further complicate the dynamics. Although quenches in one dimensional topological systems, and the role of the protected boundary modes has received some attention, very little to none has been done on 2D, 3D and higher order topological insulators. These systems, as well as topological systems including interaction effect which will allow for relaxation, will be one of the main focuses of this project.
The ideal candidate will have:
- outstanding scientific achievements and experience with research projects;
- documented scientific achievements in the field of dynamical phase transitions and topological insulators;
- knowledge of analytical and/or numerical methods for quantum dynamics;
- a very good/fluent knowledge of the English language;
- the ability to present research results;
- high motivation to conduct research, good communication skills, and the ability to work well in a team.
The position is covered by an OPUS project funded by the NCN in Poland (2019/35/B/ST3/03625). Renumeration is around 10,000 PLN gross per month (approx 2,200 euros). Finances for travel/conferences are available within the project. The earliest starting date is 1st January 2021 and the position will run until the end of 2022. Candidates must posses a PhD by the starting date.
Interested candidates should send the following documents:
- an application addressed to the Rector of UMCS;
- a copy of the doctoral degree, or another document confirming obtaining the academic degree of doctor
- personal questionnaire and curriculum vitae;
- list of scientific publications and list of scientific and organisational achievements;
- candidate's declaration that UMCS will be the primary place of work in the case of employment;
- a reference letter from of a person holding the academic title of professor or the academic degree of habilitated doctor (or equivalent) on scientific achievements;
- declaration of compliance with the requirements of the Law on Higher Education and Science;
- the candidate's declaration that he / she agrees to the processing of personal data.
The application for the competition should be sent to:
Project leader: dr Nicholas Sedlmayr
Katedra Fizyki Teoretycznej I
nstytut Fizyki, Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Pl. Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej 1, 20-031
in a sealed envelope with the annotation "Concerns recruitment for the position of postdoc" or "Dotyczy naboru na stanowisko adiunkta badawczego”.
The deadline for submitting documents is December 14, 2020, by 15.00. The contest will be adjudicated no later than December 16, 2020.
For more information please contact Nicholas Sedlmayr: