PhD students:

Bartlomiej Baran
Dynamical properties of superconducting nanostructures
/ 2017 - 2022; defended in Novembery 2022 /
currently: Netrix S.A., Research & Development Centre, Lublin (Poland)

Aksel Kobialka
Emergence and nonlocality of Majorana bound states in nanoscopic systems
/ 2017 - 2022; defended on 24 January 2022 /
(March 2022 -onwards) on postdoc position in the group of J. Klinovaja
at University of Basel (Switzerland)

Szczepan Glodzik
Influence of spin-orbit interactions on bound states in superconductors
/ 2017 - 2020; defended in November 2020 (with distinction) /
Institute of Physics UMCS, Lublin, Poland (2020-present)
(August 2021 - onwards) on postdoc position in the group of R. Zitko
in J. Stefan Institute, Ljubljana (Slovenia)

Magdalena Baranska (Zapalska)
Continuous unitary transformation approach to the strongly correlated systems
/ 2010 - 2016; defended on 13 March 2017 (with distinction) /
Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland (2015-2018)
Polish Air Force Academy, Deblin, Poland (2019-present)

Jan Baranski
Interference and electron correlations in quantum dots coupled to superconductors
/ 2010 - 2015; defended on 8 October 2015 (with distinstion) /
Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland (2015-2018)
Polish Air Force Academy, Deblin, Poland (2018-present)

Agnieszka Donabidowicz

Influence of correlations on the transport phenomena in nanosystems
/ 2004 - 2008; defended on 24 October 2008 /
Post-doc with Prof. Carsten Timm
Institut fur Theoretische Physik, Technische Universitat Dresden, Germany (2008-2010)